
I am impressed by writers who can clearly and succintly report facts, tell a story, persuade, or provide instruction while keeping the reader effortlessly engaged.

The Elements of Syle
The Elements of Style by Cornell University Professor William Strunk  Jr. and writer E.B. White is a simple yet powerful how-to guide packed with advice on how to enhance the skill of engaging, informative writing. Writer Mark Garvey took the story of the guide’s creation and turned it into a fun behind-the-scenes narrative with his book, A Slightly Obsessive History of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style. Garvey’s book not only tells the story of the collaboration behind this classic guide, it reminds us why it is still so meaningful today.

William Zinsser
Another one of my favorite nonfiction writers is William Zinsser. His book On Writing Well is as enjoyable to read as it is instructive. Zinsser’s writing has the same clear, uncluttered essence as Stunk and White. He had a writing and teaching career that spanned six decades.